ASP Council Meeting
IUCN Red List Workshop
Oral Paper Sessions/Symposia
President’s Symposium & Address
Welcome Reception
8:00 am–noon
10:30 am–noon
12:30–4:00 pm
4:00–6:00 pm
6:30–9:00 pm
Oral Paper Sessions/Symposia Student Lunch Vortex
Student Symposium
Oral Paper Sessions
ASP Business Meeting
Poster Session
8:30 am–noon
noon–1:00 pm
1:00–2:00 pm
2:00–3:30 pm
4:00–5:00 pm
5:00–7:00 pm

Oral Paper Sessions/Symposia
Oral Paper Sessions/Stoll-Stunkard Lecture ASP Student Business Meeting ASP Student Auction (& preview)
8:30 am–noon
1:00–5:00 pm
5:00–6:00 pm
5:30–8:00 pm
Oral Paper Sessions/Symposia
H.B. Ward Medal Lecture
ASP Awards Presentation* & Adjournment
8:00–9:30 am
10:00–11:00 am
11:00 am–12:30 pm
*Awards being presented include the Ashton Cuckler New Investigator Award, Distinguished Service Award, Marc Dresden Student Travel Grants, and Best Student Presentations.