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Preparing Your Abstract(s)

Submit all abstracts in English. The TITLE should be short, concise, and indicative of the abstract content. Use words with index retrieval value; avoid general phrases like “Studies on” or “Investigations of.” Use sentence case. The CONTENT should be a single paragraph of no more than 350 words containing a concise statement of: (1) the problem under investigation, (2) the experimental methods used, (3) the essential results obtained, and (4) the conclusions. Do not include figures or tables. Scientific names should be written out in full when first used; on repetition, the genus name may be abbreviated with the first letter, except at the beginning of a sentence. Italicize all scientific names in the abstract.  To avoid nomina nuda, names of new taxa should not be included in the abstract. Note that abstracts submitted by any single author may be restricted to two (2) oral presentations, with the remainder designated as posters at the discretion of the Scientific Program Officers.


Acceptance/Scheduling of Abstracts 

Notification of acceptance of oral and poster presentations is Tuesday, 29 April, 2025 via automated email. If an official letter is needed confirming abstract acceptance, please contact the Scientific Program Officers. Notification of scheduling of your presentation is not automatic. Information on the time and date of scheduled presentations will be available at least one month prior to the meeting with the posting of the electronic version of the final Program & Abstracts booklet on the ASP 2025 MEETING WEBSITE and ASP WEBSITE. Abstracts appearing in the final Program & Abstracts booklet are not citable as abstracts for publication purposes.

Submitting Your Abstract(s)

Submit your abstract(s) through Oxford Abstracts. OXFORD ABSTRACTS. Abstract submission will open Monday, 3 March, 2025. Please follow all instructions at that site carefully using the examples of formatting provided. Names and affiliations of all authors are required. Choose the session topic(s) that best describes the content of your abstract. You will receive email confirmation of successfully submitted abstracts; please print that page and save your submission ID number. Submission of abstracts to symposia is by invitation only. If you have been invited to contribute to a symposium, please follow general abstract submission guidelines and choose the name of the symposium given to you by the symposium organizer when submitting your abstract. Abstracts can be modified up to the Abstract Submission deadline. Only complete submissions will be considered for acceptance. Note that the deadline for abstract submission is Tuesday, 15 April, 2025; the online submission system will be disabled at 11:59 pm (EST) on that date.




Microsoft PowerPoint® is the presentation standard. Speakers should upload their presentation onto the meeting room computer at least 30 minutes before the start of their session. Images, movies, and fonts must be embedded in the presentation; use fonts, colors and animations both consistently and judiciously.  The use of the 16:9 slide format is strongly recommended. Presenters are encouraged to test their presentation on a different computer than was used to create it. Mac users should be certain to test their presentations on a PC. The onus will be on presenters to verify the compatibility of their files with the computers in use at the venue. The standard oral presentation is 12 minutes plus three (3) minutes reserved for questions, unless otherwise indicated.




Posters offer an excellent opportunity for more extensive exchanges of ideas between presenters and their audience. No competing activities will be scheduled during the poster session. Posters will be arranged numerically by topic. The maximum poster size is 4’ high x 4’ wide (122 cm high x 122 cm wide). Posters will be displayed on free-standing poster boards. Numbers on poster boards will be provided and will correspond to abstract numbers; refer to the Program & Abstracts booklet for assigned numbers. Each poster should include a title and the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) at the top, and include the abstract. At least one (1) author must be present during the entire poster session.


Awards scheduled to be presented at the 2025 ASP meeting include the Ashton Cuckler New Investigator Award, the H. B. Ward Medal, and the Distinguished Service Award, as well as the Stoll-Stunkard Lectureship. Once the 2025 awardees have been selected, recipients of the H. B. Ward Medal and the Stoll-Stunkard Lectureship will be contacted by the Scientific Program Officers for titles (but not abstracts) of their presentations.


Please contact the Scientific Program Officers by April 15, 2025, if you are interested in moderating a session(s) at the meeting and include your preferred session topic(s). You can also indicate your interest/willingness to chair a session during the abstract submission process. In particular, graduate students and postdoctoral scholars are strongly encouraged to volunteer as moderators to gain valuable experience and increase visibility with potential mentors/employers.

Oral Presentations
Poster Presentations
Awards & Lectures
Session moderators

Student Paper Competition &
Marc Dresden Student Travel Grants

Student Paper Competition

Students interested in participating in the Student Paper Competition should indicate this at the time of abstract submission. The Student Paper Competition includes poster and oral presentation categories. Note that students participating in the Student Paper Competition are NOT required to apply for a Marc Desden Student Travel Grant.

Marc Dresden Student Travel (MDST) Grants

Students presenting talks or posters may apply for a MDST Grant. All application materials must be submitted as part of the abstract submission process. Applications must include an abstract, certification of student status, mentor information, and an itemized budget of total costs and amount of funding requested. Students applying for an MDST Grant are not required to enter the Student Paper Competition.

Questions about the MDST Grant process should be directed to the Student Awards Committee Chairperson, Dr. Christina Anaya (​

Affiliate Society Best Student Paper Competition Recipients

Recipients of Affiliate Society Best Student Paper Competitions (BSPC) since the last annual ASP meeting are entitled to an automatic MDST Grant with the commitment of delivering an oral presentation at the upcoming ASP meeting. In addition to the application materials listed above, these students must check the AFFILIATE SOCIETY AWARD WINNER box on the abstract submission form and indicate their affiliate society. Affiliate Societies are listed in the ASP Handbook.

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ASP Scientific Program Officers

Susan Perkins & Kirsten Jensen

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