The Welcome Reception, the Student Lunch Vortex, and the Student Auction are among the highlights of the social activities planned for the Kansas City meeting.

32nd Annual
ASP Student Auction
Once again, we are asking you to search your attic, basement, out-buildings, coffers, and safety deposit boxes for donations to our Annual Auction to raise funds for student travel to ASP meetings. Serious, humorous… whatever you come up with… it’s all grist for the auction mill and will be much appreciated. You can find some great parasite-related items on Etsy. You can either bring your item(s) with you to the meeting or mail your item(s) early. Contributions from those not planning to attend the meeting are also greatly appreciated. A receipt for your donation can be provided at registration, or by mail, if requested. If you would like to mail your auction items, please strive to have them arrive between July 8–12, 2023. Mail to the address below.
Attn: Krystal Grogan /Am. Soc. of Parasitologists
InterContinental Kansas City at the Plaza
401 Ward Parkway
Kansas City, MO 64112
United States